My BoDy is MaDe of Both Brutality anD Comfort
Main Building Gallery, Baltimore Maryland, May 10th-13th 2024
A self-portrait is not defined by a figure but rather a representation of self conveyed through imagery and material. Whether through painting or sculpture, I strive to create candid self-portraits to ground myself in the world and connect with others, allowing an intimate look into experiences often unshared, whether experiencing life in a post-sex change body or the ups and downs of mental health. Through my art, I untangle the beauty and pain, contentment and discomfort, and joy and destruction that accompany the journey of life. By capturing the experience of living in a post-sex-changed body through fiber, metal, and painting, I balance the center of my work around coping with the pain complications have brought me with the contentment I now experience with my new body. Through this work, I can share these experiences and intimate emotions of my life in a trans body with audiences without giving them my physical body.